
It is more faith than science. Why it is not true and evidence for it is really evidence against it.

  • Evolution

    Observable vs Historical Science

    Fourth email reply I sent my friends after I sent them some links about dinosaur tissue finds: Read the first, second, and third replies, these seem to get longer and longer.  🙂 I don’t know if I said it’s not logical to live life without a purpose, but I do think that’s true if we’re talking about the objective purpose (see my reply about the different purposes).  According to man, if there is nothing afterward, I’m just trying to live happy and gain as much as I can, but in the end, you don’t take any of it with you.  Even if you are rich, that doesn’t necessary make you…

  • Evolution

    Living a Purpose Filled Life

    Third email reply I sent my friends after I sent them some links about dinosaur tissue finds: (read the first& second replies) My belief in God is not temporary in the least; Jesus has a death grip on my heart, His death on the cross.  Hinduism, belief in Brahman, the unchangeable god that is everything and everything is him, including us.  Our life is one of karma, and we are reincarnated over and over again until we are enlightened (changed) to the reality that we are one with Brahman.  Once we are “enlightened,” we become part of or absorbed into Brahman.  There’s Brahman changing again and we lose our identity…

  • Evolution

    Strata Testifies of God, Mutation against Evolution

    Second email reply I sent my friends after I sent them some links about dinosaur tissue finds: (read the first reply here) Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I’m been working and reading more about creation, evolution, and fossilization.  And sorry that the reply is so long, hopefully you have time to read it all.  🙂 That’s where we disagree; I think it not logical to live a life without a purpose.  Everything has a purpose.  Cars take us places, computers automate things for us, and buildings shelter us from the elements.  Trees give out oxygen, the sun provides light and energy, oxygen keeps us alive.  What…

  • Evolution

    Using Science to Find God

    Here is the first in a series of email replies I sent my friends after I sent them some links about dinosaur tissue finds: I know how science works.  I also know the difference between conjectures, hypothesis, and theories and the how you get from one to the other.  I also learned from the same school as you that it takes a lot of different kinds of repeatable tests to prove a theory and only one repeatable contradictory test to disprove one.  Now, I’m not saying that the soft tissue issue is the one contradictory evidence against evolution or the old age of Earth.  I included non-creationist article of the…