

The first page of Genesis

This is the most important book in the Bible, it tells us where we came from, who we are, where we are going, why we need a Savior and who is going to save us. It is the foundation to all the other books of the Bible and the foundation to our faith in Jesus.

This first book of the Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God, we were created and gifted with the ability to choose. We can choose to listen to and follow Him or we can choose to follow our own desires. Adam, the first man, chose to follow his desires and we also continually choose to follow our own desires. We choose things that make us happy and stray from what our Father, our Creator, has for us. Our sin is disobeying Him, the One who gave us life and to be brought back into His family, to be on speaking terms with our Father, we have to repay our debt, the grief and sadness that we have given Him. But that debt, that punishment, is so huge that we would never be able to repay it. God in all His grace and mercy and love, has given us a way to repay it, He has sent His Son to die for us, to wipe clean all of our transgressions. All we have to do is accept this gift, to accept Jesus as our Savior.

Genesis is traditionally thought to be written by Moses during the 40 days he was on Mount Sinai, that God spoke to him and told him the accounts as he wrote. I believe that Moses actually had these accounts already in writing, passed down through the generations and he compiled them into one book. There are nine separators of records found in Genesis and Exodus 1:1, these are marked with the words, “the generations of…” If these are subscripts or signatures of the accounts before it, written by the first hand eyewitness of those events, it gives the historicity of those records more weight. This leads to the conclusion that Genesis 1:1-2:4, ending with “the generations of the heavens and the earth,” is written by God Himself. He wrote it or perhaps spoke it to Adam, who did the actual writing, either way, the creation of time, space, earth, and everything on it was relayed to man by the One who was there, it is and will always be, the most accurate account of the origin of man. Take a look at this excerpt from Henry M. Morris’s the Genesis Record for more in-depth study of this idea.

One of the greatest resource that helped me understand the Bible from a scientific and logical standpoint is Answers in Genesis. It is through scouring their website and reading as much of their articles as I can that I have come to believe the Bible, God’s Word, and how I have come to know Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Beginning

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